Teaching, Learning, and Campus Life Committee 基金s

The Academic 事件 基金 supports programs and events that are related to specific courses but are open to the entire Pitzer community.

Average award = $300; maximum honorarium/speaker = $300.


The Printed Word Award 基金 can support a seminar each year on the "printed word" and bring to campus individuals who are involved in a variety of areas concerning the printed word, including book dealers, 出版商, 书收藏家, or curators of special collections. This fund should be used to draw upon the artists and writers who create written work.” In practice, the award has been used to host readings and 研讨会 with contemporary authors.

Average award = $1,700; minimum award = $250; maximum award = $5,000; maximum honorarium/speaker = $700.


Strategic Initiative 基金s (SIF) are “strategic” in the sense that they’re meant not simply to augment activities currently funded by the academic or student life budgets, but rather to provide an opportunity to test out and try new initiatives or broker collaborations among different college constituencies (for example, combined faculty/staff proposals or collaborative proposals by several field groups or several faculty/student organizations). 

Campus Life Committee is interested in proposals for programming that has the potential to be sustained and have an ongoing impact. Campus Life Committee will also consider proposals for initiatives that will be funded through other sources but may have higher start-up costs, as well as proposals for both small and large amounts of money. Strategic Initiative 基金s may only be granted for a total of three years for any single proposal.

Average award = $1,000; maximum honorarium/speaker = $700.


The Agnes Moreland Jackson Diversity Program 基金 supports programs primarily directed toward first-year students (but open to everyone) to provide diversity programming. Programs and activities may include field trips, 研讨会, special talks by guest speakers, 电影, 等等....... Ideally, programming will take place in the new residential spaces or the Gold Student Center. While there is no ceiling on proposal requests, most awards are in the $1,000 range. In cases where there is significant collaboration between college constituents, larger amounts may be granted. $5,000 will be reserved for Pitzer College student organizations and/or programs that entail significant collaboration between students and faculty. Intercollegiate organizations that direct their programs toward the Pitzer community, and run them on our campus, are also welcome to apply.

Average award = $1,000


弗雷德里克·J. Salathé 基金 for 音乐 and the Cultural 艺术 基金 supports an event or series of events related to the 艺术, 音乐, and/or Literature as practiced, 表现出, or performed by professionals. We are seeking proposals for large events that would use a minimum of half the funds available.

Average award = $2,000; maximum honorarium/speaker = $700.


Teaching and Learning 基金 supports a variety of events and activities that enhance teaching and learning on campus.

Average award = $300-500 for speakers; $300-500 for materials for in-class activities (e.g., materials or equipment for reenactments, 角色扮演, or publications); up to $500 per event for food (dinner events: $20 per person or $500 per event, whichever is lower; lunch events: $15 per person or $400 per event, whichever is lower; hors d’oeuvres for events $7 per person or $200 per event, whichever is lower (cannot be combined with dinner or lunch events)